Just awful
17 March 2012
Jerry Lewis plays Christopher Pride. He's an artist who's being paid $10,000 (which was big bucks back in 1966) to go to France and paint a mural on a wall. He tells his girlfriend Dr. Elizabeth Acord (Janet Leigh) because he wants to take her with him to propose and get married. However she's a psychiatrist and is treating three women (Leslie Parish, Gila Golan and Mary Ann Mobley) who hate men and she can't leave till they're cured. Pride and his best friend (James Best) come up with the "brilliant" idea of him romancing all three of the women separately, have them fall in love and "cure' them of hating men! No it makes no sense to me either. Predictable and stupid complications ensue.

I'm not a fan of Jerry Lewis. I find his humor shrill, loud and painfully unfunny. I only saw this because it was in the book "The 50 Worst Films Of All Time" and I was curious if it was really THAT bad. Sadly it is. There's not one funny joke or routine--not ONE! I never even smiled! Also the jokes ran on twice as long as they should have or were repeated nonstop (Lewis walks into an elevator door THREE times in 10 minutes). The story is stupid and its grasp on feminine psychology is questionable. According to this all a girl needs is to fall in love and she's fine! Lewis produced and directed this one and the direction is off badly. Some curious camera angles or setups just don't work.

The acting varies wildly. Lewis is frantic (as usual) and incredibly unfunny. None of his getups work. Seeing him in drag is actually scary! Leigh is excellent in a worthless role. She's basically the straight man (so to speak) to Lewis' jokes. She gives this movie a better performance than it deserves. Parrish, Golan and Mobley was beautiful women with zero acting ability. Best is pretty good and has a few great moments but the script is against him. Unfunny, offensive and just plain dull. To be avoided at all costs.
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