Review of eCupid

eCupid (2011)
I'm not gay… And I thought it was great!
26 March 2012
I work in the film business…and I got dragged to see this film at a film festival. I had zero expectations of liking it...but by the end of the film I simply loved it! In general…romantic comedies are almost impossible to get right. Between having a script that works…chemistry between the actors…and a strong enough director with a clear vision…it is easy to see why most studio romantic comedies just don't work! It is by far the hardest of any film genre. Like Edward Norton said during the last Oscars broadcast (I'm going on memory here folks so give me a break): I am always amazed when the lights come up at the end of a movie that actually works… I'm always wondering... just how did they manage to do that? Well believe it or not…that is exactly how I felt after seeing eCupid! Congratulations Mr. Calciano… you manage somehow... despite an obviously low budget…to make a movie with characters I cared about and a story I liked! I'm looking forward to your next movie just to see if this was beginners luck!
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