Review of Chatroom

Chatroom (2010)
An interesting portrayal of the net; the mask it provides and what it trawls
5 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The main thing this film does to play with the the role of a chatroom is of course to play out the online conversation in a kind of etch a sketch hotel that the users decorate at will to reflect their personalities and so forth; this is done well, I thought. it filled in the removal of personal contact and body language, for the viewer's sake, and also provided an insight into the tone of each user's thoughts as they got to know each other and then William's plot unfolded. I thought the content and delivery of the dialogue of the online conversations as acted out in the hotel were actually quite reminiscent of the kind of language used in chatrooms, at least from my own experience;

The film struck a chord with me because i spent a few years on chatrooms myself as a teenager; I was lucky, in that I avoided any real contact with weird people, or indeed malevolent entities such as William, and eventually met quite a few of the people i got to know well in real life, and struck up some great friendships, many of which continue to this day. however, i only met and talked to people in chatrooms because i had low self-esteem and was depressed and unsure of myself, the anonymity and control provided by a chatroom appealing to me more then less removed and more traditional forms of socialising; i'm sure a lot of people who use chatrooms have such issues and plenty more besides, which were represented by the film's characters;

William and Jim were extreme examples, and the fraught, hysterical plot of William's to drive Jim to suicide culminating in that chase through Camden market seemed a little over the top to me. i did appreciate the way that each character's own personal plot and life was almost entirely mutually exclusive to the central plot of their friendship and interaction in the Chelsea teens room, Eva's room etc. a person's online persona, particularly in a chatroom, is a contrived and carefully constructed thing, and it's a very distanced, protective form of interaction, however personal you may get, as the characters did in the film, to devastating effect. I thought the film's disjointed pace and seemingly inconsequential progression, in the first half at least, was a good portrayal of that compartmentalisation of online chat and personal life.

in addition to the bedrock of the main plot that emerges, the tragic lonely depressive characters who self-harm and/or seek solace online, meeting with people who display a variety of different responses from supportive to manipulative and cruel, we're also presented with a cross-section of sexual deviance, from the tolerable and acceptable - a hallway Eva walks through to meet William which is filled with people indulging in fetish, and mo talking to that older lady while other people talk dirty in neighbouring rooms - to the disgusting and unacceptable - mo's paedophilic interest in his mate's 11 year old sister, and the pervert whose entry to Chelsea teens prompts William to set up a password.

along with the girl who Jim meets early on and from whom he runs away, using the above, the film seeks to establish the consensus that the world of chatrooms is a forum for the disaffected, deviant and personality-disordered to convene, and of course provides a warning about the dangers of such conference by presenting a group of characters so misguided and/or malevolent that their initially beneficial, well-intended, supportive online friendship leads to a life-or-death situation, which yields one casualty, fortunately not the painfully depressive Jim.

all in all, i was impressed by this film, which i consider a worthy, well-made, convincingly acted portrait of the world of chatrooms, the freedoms, connections, pitfalls and traps that can result from such interactions and friendships, and ultimately, the value of real social structure, especially for those who aren't entirely comfortable with it and are driven to seek less direct ways of establishing it. i give the film 8/10
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