blatant leftist political propaganda
10 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A wonderful performance from child actress Nina Kervel-Bey cannot redeem this movie's cinematic sin of purveying blatant leftist propaganda. Don't think I've seen so shameless a piece of polemic since casting a curious eye over Leni Riefenstahl's Hitlerite 'Triumph of the will' when I was at film school myself! Incredible that leftists can get away with this kind of pap without provoking the slightest protest from the brain-dead MSM. Predictably, Rotten Tomatoes gives it a high rating, generally seeing it as a charming French comedy of manners, etc, etc. It is nothing of the kind. On the contrary, it runs like a Maoist 'short' showing proto-proletarian little Anna's progress from snotty rich kid to caring-sharing Communist wunderkind. You know the sort of thing: Little Anna (Nina K-B) starts off as a spoiled little brat non-plussed by her parents' sudden lurch into radical chic leftism. They abandon their capitalist jobs and transform into selfless Che Guevara types taking her on demo's in Paris, etc. Gradually little Nina sees the error of her ways and gives up Divinity class at school and her posh friends for a cosy rose-tinted world of brother and sisterly love at the local compo... Ring a ring a roses we all vote socialist. Atishoo! Atishoo! The Capitalists all fall down! Disgusting abuse of the principle of cinema. By all means watch it for Nina K-B's performance, but bring some perfumed smelling salts both to wake yourself up from the toxic dose of Marxism and douse the stink of leftist sanctimony. You have been warned...
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