Review of Bright Star

Bright Star (2009)
Beautiful in every way.
28 April 2012
This is what movie making should be all about and not the relentless drivel that comes from Hollywood. I thought that Ben Wishaw and Abigail Cornish were perfect for the parts; I doubt that anyone else could have carried it off as well. Both actors were true to their craft and I have developed a deep admiration for Abigail Cornish as she is amazing, a mesmerising interpretation indeed. Paul Schneider also was perfect and carried off what, to me, was a very convincing Scottish accent. I also thought the setting perfect and what I loved was the authenticity of the representation of an era that had no rural street lighting, no properly paved roads and gardens that were turned over to produce. I loved the laundry fluttering in the breeze and the absence of background noise especially as it was filmed so close to London in England. I especially loved the cat, Topper and the little girl was sweet without being in the least bit precocious. I observed a remark, with astonishment, by someone who wrote a critique who thought the acting bad and I cannot comprehend the slightest failing that would lead this person to come to such an unintelligent conclusion. There was nothing about this movie that I didn't like and therefore rated it a ten. Well done Jane Campion, a masterpiece.
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