Review of C Me Dance

C Me Dance (2009)
One of the worst films I have ever subjected myself to
16 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot express how bad this film is. I feel bad writing this, but it seems I cannot help myself. I'm usually pretty generous in allowing bad writing, stiff acting, and weak directing not bother me too much. But this film was so filled with mindless, fundamentalist proselytizing, treacle that I can only say I'm glad I was doing file hygiene while I watched it on Netflix. Should have listened to their prediction... Netflix predicted I would hate it. I did.

1) Low intellectual level silly devil story.

2) Ghastly writing - bad dialogue, unbelievable personalities, and a story a 3rd grader could write.

3) Acting was just terrible and completely unbelievable.

4) Why not use a real dancer for the role? There are a lot of them around.

5) Doctors never, ever, ever, EVER date family members of patients. EVER.

6) So... even though the girl was a stage 4 patient, there was NO treatment of any kind? Nothing? Not even for symptoms? Oh wait... there were no symptoms. Right... a stage 4 cancer patient with NO symptoms. So stupid and ridiculous. Could the writer have spent TEN MINUTES talking this over with an oncologist? Everything about the illness was SO LUDICROUS.

7) That girl sure was healthy and robust right up until the day she literally dropped dead. I've had a lot of cancer patients. That was just plain stupid.

8) The doctor, upon seeing the girl's body, freaks out and drops her glass of milk? SERIOUSLY?!?!?! She's a DOCTOR. She works with cancer patients. She absolutely WOULD NOT do that. She would quickly go to the patient to assess what's going on - she did not know the girl was deceased. Perhaps I'm being defensive, but even in horrid films such as this one, I hate it when doctors are stupid or when they date people they absolutely CAN NOT date.

In summary, if you like those Bible church Sunday night dramas designed to scare you into religious belief, if you are a fundamentalist and thus are blinded to terrible storytelling simply because you are thrilled to see your beliefs represented on film, if the important aspect of your religion is avoiding hell rather than being the kindest, most loving and helpful person you can be... you'll love this. If you have even average intelligence and are NOT a Bible-literalist fundamentalist, you'll hate this thing. Don't waste your time.

For the record, I'm Christian - but I find proselytizing highly offensive. I don't accept the concepts of hell and the devil. I don't feel compelled to tell other people they have to become Christian; I respect other people's views. I value kindness towards others and a life of service. And I'm a doctor who is always disgusted to see stupid doctors on TV. I'm pretty sure there is little chance I would like this dreadful offering even if it wasn't so terribly written and acted. And what the heck is up with that title? I'm sorry - it's a stupid title.

I watched it because I studied ballet for years and I love it. I thought I would see some good dancing - and I was doing work on my computer, so I wasn't sitting in front of the TV, throwing out over an hour of my life that I never would get back. Now THAT would have been bad.

Maybe fundamentalist religious people just shouldn't make films. Perhaps it's just too tempting to come up with something to scare people into believing as they do. This was nothing less than an acted out religious tract - like those silly Chick Publications. The filmmaker tried to cram religious scare-tactics down the viewers' throats and it just left a bad taste in my mouth.
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