Dead Mary (2007 Video)
Chilling and compelling...
18 May 2012
First of all I must say that depending on which version (or region) of the movie you get, then the cover may or may not actually be properly depicting the contents of the movie. The DVD I got have a shot of the cabin with a hand sticking out of the ground on the cover, now that was proper to the movie. However, the cover that is used here on IMDb is the one that sort of sets up the movie for something more than it actually is.

Regardless, then "Dead Mary" was actually a rather alright horror movie, sort of think a mixture between "Evil Dead", "The Exorcist" and any of the number teenage horror movies out there, then you have a basic idea of what you are in for in "Dead Mary".

The story is about a group of young people coming together in the woods, in an old cabin, for the weekend. A weekend that is supposed to be about reunion, fun and partying. But fun and partying turns to dread and fear when the people start on playing the 'dead Mary' game, where they have to go alone into the bathroom, call out 'dead Mary' three times (can anyone say "Candyman" here?) and then apparently the spirit of a witch will appear. Something do shows up and the lives of the group are now in danger. One by one people start dying under strange circumstances, and people are not whom they used to be or appear to be. Who can they trust? But more importantly, will they survive the weekend?

I found the story to actually be alright, despite it borrowing heavily from other horror movies. Still, the movie turned out to be interesting enough and provide good entertainment. The mood and setting of the movie was really good, and you had a sense of isolation and dread in the movie, which was nice, because it helped build up the tension.

Personally, I found "Dead Mary" to be a step up from the usual teenage horror/slasher movies that have been flooding the horror scene for quite some years already. It was nice to see something aside from someone wronged coming back to wreck havoc and vengeance on the late teenagers who wronged him.

"Dead Mary" has a couple of great scare moments, but nothing that will make you jump out of the chair. What this movie is running on is the suspense and the way that it keeps you wondering whom is possessed and who isn't, who is telling the truth and who is lying. For that aspect, then the director, Robert Wilson, really did a great job.

There was actually a decent amount of blood in the movie, which I found great. But this wasn't really a slasher or gore movie, so it was just an added bonus.

The people they had on the cast list were great actors and actresses, and the people did great jobs with their characters. However, the ones that were carrying the movie were Jefferson Brown (playing Matt), Dominique Swain (playing Kim) and Steven McCarthy (playing Baker). They really put on great performances and made the movie come to life.

"Dead Mary" is a good horror movie that stays true to the old-school horror movies of the late 80's and early 90's, just with a pinch of "Evil Dead" thrown into the formula. If you enjoy horror movies and like to be kept in suspense where you are not fully sure about what is going on around you, then you should definitely check out "Dead Mary". Just remember to leave the lights on in your bathroom...
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