Review of Savage Pampas

Savage Pampas (1965)
dull. stupid, sexless movie about furnishing prostitutes to keep soldiers on your side
28 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the worst Westerns I have ever seen. Sad that it was one of Robert Taylor's last movies. It has some things that you have never seen in a movie before. Often that would be a good thing -- edgy, bold innovation, cutting edge, push the envelope, etc. Here you know it was never done before because it is so awful! ***spoilers*** The biggest theme of the movie seems to be that soldiers will fight, dessert and re-enlist if they are offered prostitutes. That might be interesting if there was some nudity, raw realistic language, believable characters, etc. But no. There are no interesting characters for the audience to follow, none to commiserate with hero Taylor -- no girlfriends, no male friends even. Plus the dubbing is awful. There must be good stories involving Argentina, the Pampas, Indians, deserters, and civil war there, but you won't find it in this silly movie. Most of the movie involves Taylor's Captain character escorting jailed-women-let-free if they would "comfort" the soldiers. On the way to the fort, the women and their soldier escorts fall in love (!!), so the soldiers refuse to continue to the fort. Meanwhile they are attacked by white rebels (many of them deserted soldiers joining the rebellion because they are offered prostitutes) and Indians. The soldiers and comfort women end up in a church surrounded by the rebel-bandit-Indian forces. Taylor leaves to get help from the fort. He is captured by the bad rebel leader and staked out to die alone slowly in the sun. A friendly girl rescues him. He continues to the fort and returns with a small number of soldiers. The larger rebel-deserter-Indian force has the church surrounded and are having fun waiting/stretching out the time to attack the church. Nice guys. Taylor sneaks into the bad guys camp and kills the chief, sneaks back out, and the superstitious Indians decide to leave. There is still the matter of the larger rebel-deserter force, but Taylor tells them they will have amnesty if they retire to the fort with their prostitutes. That leaves the rebel leader alone to fight Taylor -- man to man. They fight with swords and spears, but Taylor ends things by drawing his revolver to shoot the rebel leader dead! Really. Then Taylor dies from his wounds.
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