29 May 2012
Slovenka is the name used in ads by Aleksandra to hook up with men for money. She is a twenty three year old college student studying English, and like many girls around the world, finds it a way to pay her tuition. Her parents are divorced, she has a good relationship with her father, but hates her mother. She lies, cheats and steals, with no real moral compass.

Nina Ivanisin is Aleksandra, and she drifts seamlessly through the film with a natural grace and charm. The story is depressing as she gets tangled up with local, dangerous gangsters who, at one point, dangle her out of the window of a high rise. Slovenka is a cold and dark view of humanity; this ain't Pretty Woman with Julia Roberts and her goofy smile. Ivansin is a real actress showing a full range of emotions. There is no happily ever after.
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