3s a crowd??
8 June 2012
Don't get me wrong, this movie was good. It still made me laugh a lot! The only thing was it did not beat out the first two Madagascars, but it still had a great storyline and a great bad guy which are the things I like!! The cute and cuddly penguins are also back and kicking butt. If it wasn't for them,Alex and friends would be dead. So enough talking,let me tell you about the film (and no, there is no spoiler!) After Alex try to leave Africa and fails, the team goes to Monte Carlo to find the penguins. Then they join the circus and thats all I am going to tell you. You can find out what happens when you go see it. Just because I gave this movie a seven because some parts where slow does not mean you can not go and see it!!! Hey we are all different. Who knows ,you all may love it. There is only one way to find out. Go and see it then write a review. I mean this movie was not a bad movie like "Surfs Up"- now that was an epic failure! This movie has no profanity. Not even a little like omg or anything. This was a good clean family movie that everyone can see. I will just say if Dreamworks is going to make a fourth one make it epic!!! For Movie USA, I am Alex Adams. Thanks for reading.
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