Chemistry Rules
10 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great story and great movie. I saw this back when I was a kid and again the other night.

I couldn't help but fall in love with Capucine, she's wonderful in this and she was a fabulous Actress. She appears in the Pink Panther Movie. Her beauty is second to none. John Wayne, Fabian, and Stuart Granger are also really great in this. Great Direction, it was also filmed so that you think the characters are really in Nome, and great cinematography. The Director Hathaway also did True Grit and Son's of Katy Elder. There is no relation to the actress Anne (Hathaway).

Fabian is notably really funny, he turned out to be a pretty good actor in other movies as well.

The script was reportedly turned down by another director but I thought the script was really well done for this action, romantic comedy.

I really believed the chemistry between Capucine and John Wayne although with a beauty like that it's hard not to have any chemistry with everyone she would meet, including William Holden whom she reportedly had an affair with in the 80's. She committed suicide reportedly over health problems in 1990. Chemistry between the leads is so important in the believability of films.

I give this movie 8 out of 10 stars.
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