Alien Origin (2012 Video)
There's ninety minutes I'll never get back
14 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This film was a waste. I shouldn't have rented it from Redbox, and I shouldn't have stuffed it in my DVD player.

The promises made in the film previews and ads never materialize. I thought for sure I'd learn something about the alien origins of mankind.


In a style reminiscent of CLOVERFIELD or BLAIR WITCH or APOLLO 18, this film tries to assemble itself out of bits of supposedly recovered video from two or three or four sources, all mangled or shredded in the goings-on in this film.

So it's confusing as blazes. Just when you think you're going to see the alien, the digital video goes all haywire (which a digital video wouldn't do) and makes the alien impossible to see. At least CLOVERFIELD didn't do that.

The closest analogue I can find to what this movie thought it was doing was PREDATOR. You know, a heavily armed group of professional soldiers caught in the jungle getting hunted by an annoyed alien which is better armed than they are.

Complicating the story is the injection of a cute blonde news bimbo who is trying to make a 60-minutes kind of segment.

I still can't figure out what was supposed to be going on.

FORTUNATELY, the movie tells us all the people disappeared.

So odds are we won't be subjected to a sequel.

The last 60 seconds of the film are supposed to explain it, BUT, since the film was supposedly assembled out of bits and scraps of video, WHY THE BLEEP WASN'T THE LAST 60 SECONDS OF THE FILM SPLICED INTO THE FILM IN SEQUENCE WHERE IT BELONGED? It wouldn't have made the story make more sense, frankly.

But watching the film, the last 60 seconds looks like someones afterthought. Like they got in the editing room and said, "Oh yeah, we got to the end of the film and didn't explain the alien origin! Let's splice in this bit of nonsense at the end!" And yet it doesn't explain anything to me.

All it looked like to me was someone's opportunity to shoot off a couple thousand rounds of blank ammo in automatic weapons.

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