The Legend of Korra (2012–2014)
Another legend
28 June 2012
I went into The Legend of Korra with tempered expectations. I was a huge fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender and wasn't convinced that anything could top it. I was completely wrong, Korra blew away all my expectations and has taken the place of TLA as my favorite television series of all time. The writing is intelligent, clever and keeps the audience on their toes (sites such as Reddit were a-flurry with theories between every single episode). It is the perfect balance of action, drama, intrigue and humor that keeps an audience captivated & coming back week after week. You watch these characters evolve, hit extreme highs and devastating lows, all the while you're falling more in love with each and every one of them. The show does have a few shortcomings, though. It is clear that the writing staff, though brilliant, only had 14 episodes to work with and did their best to cram as much as they possibly could into one season, which makes things feel a bit rushed at times; but the writing is still fantastic. For brevity's sake, I'll wrap things up here. If you enjoyed TLA, this show comes as an incredibly easy recommendation. If you have never seen the original series, I believe you will still enjoy this show for its stellar characters, well written stories and rich universe. Though I suggest watching TLA, don't feel obliged - you'll still adore Korra.
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