Review of Lockout

Lockout (2012)
A lot of fun and did something quite unusual...
4 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Unusual in what way, you might ask.

Well, typically, films that do the celluloid equivalent of saying "Physics, Schmysics!" do not sit well with me. There is just something about abuse of the natural laws that really winds me up.

Lockout does this on a few occasions, most notably at the end with the re-entry scene, but at intervals throughout.

The thing is, I was finding the movie so enjoyably stupid, that it didn't annoy me! This is a rare event. I was entirely able to overlook the abuse of physics because the rest of the movie was.... fun! I won't pretend it is a masterpiece. It has plenty of flaws. But the film as a whole made me ignore its failings and just enjoy it.

There are some truly (and I mean this sincerely) god-awful CGI effects in the opening scenes that had me wondering if I had made a terrible mistake in sitting down to watch it. But once past that, the general "doesn't-take-itself-seriously-at-all" nature of the film reassured me to the point where I actually enjoyed it.

Some films take themselves too seriously and I am always ready to slap them down if they ignore basic things. But Lockout never did take itself for anything but silly entertainment and, as a result, it works. At least it did for me.

Part Taken, a lot of Escape from LA. Throw in larger than life characters and actors that are happy to ham it up a little and you have a fun little film.

At the box-office it did poorly, though I'm not entirely sure why. It will probably sink into obscurity in the years to come but, for now, its a fun ride.
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