Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (2012 Video Game)
LEGO Batman 2: LEGO Meets Gaming
8 July 2012
Okay, I have to admit, I really did not want to buy this game for my PS3 a few months ago. Hearing that it was the first LEGO game since LEGO Island 2 that featured a full voice-acting cast, my expectations were very downed. Also, LEGO making an Open World? LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 had an Open Hogwarts/London, which was not the best either. When I picked up this game, I couldn't help but notice that the Justice League was on the cover. From the trailers and everything, I had expected this just to be a Batman, Superman, Robin, and Wonder Woman game, but I was shocked to see that it actually had the Flash, Green Lantern, Cyborg, and AquaMan. The graphics are absolutely phenomenal for a LEGO game; never before have I seen such perfect little details! The capes of our heroes actually look as though they're made of fabric, metal statues actually shine and glint, extremely realistic buildings, and much, much more. And the Open World: Breathtaking! Gotham City is 500 square miles, which is completely enormous compared to the tight, cramped space of the Batcave in the first game. With characters to unlock, bricks to collect, and citizens to save, the Open World has been keeping me busy for a long time, and I think that I'll be working on it for a lot longer. And finally, the Story and Voice Acting. The story is an improvement over the first game; with dialog and news stories to catch you up, the game is easier to follow and is a lot more humorous. Joker is surprisingly hilarious, Batman and Superman have a pretty comical relationship going on, and finally, Robin is no longer the laughing stock of the game! Altogether, I have to say that I absolutely love this game. From the amazing way that Superman flies around Gotham City to stopping Joker and Lex Luthor, I must say that this is the best LEGO game ever assembled.
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