Review of Jaws

Jaws (1975)
"Cage goes in the water. You go in the water. Sharks in the water, our shark." A+
10 July 2012
Dare I call it Spielberg's greatest film ever? I'm sure I wouldn't be alone in such an assessment. Many say this film, along with George Lucas' Star Wars, was among the movies to really set in motion the summer movie movement. You know, rampant marketing, familiar characters and stories, ridiculously huge box office draws. However, there is one thing that sets this film apart from most contemporary duds: character. The characters here feel so real to one that you feel you know them. Roy Scheider (Brody) is just fantastic, Lorraine Gary is also pretty good and Richard Dreyfuss is pretty awesome. Who can forget Robert Shaw's (as Quint) entrance with the nails on the chalk board? These characters have been so ingrained in our psyche that we often do not even realize when modern films and TV shows pay tribute to them.

It's also Spielberg's greatest attempt at horror. Though he's had some relatively close ones like 2005's "War of the Worlds", it still doesn't compare to his work in this one. And duh, John William's score is just BAD-ASS. That theme is probably one of the composer's most iconic themes ever, but there also many quiet moments that create splendid tension. And our friend the Great White, surely one of Hollywood's greatest movie monsters most definitely.

An unbeatable classic.
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