Trashy, Obscene, Gory, Vulgar and Entertaining
19 July 2012
Easter Bunny, Kill! Kill! (2006)

*** (out of 4)

Mentally challenged Nicholas (Ricardo Gray) loves the easter bunny but his poor mom (Charlotte Marie) keeps bringing home jerks. The latest one (Timothy Muskatell) is one of the worst and when mommy goes to work he starts to abuse the young boy but have no fear because a psycho with a bunny mask shows up. EASTER BUNNY, KILL! KILL! is 100% of a trashy "B" movie but it's a fun one that manages to be rude, crude and best of all entertaining. Now, just because I gave this three stars doesn't mean that everyone and their grandmother should run out and see it. The appeal of this film is going to be extremely limited so unless you're a fan of gory, dirty and rather obscene movies then it's best to stay away from this thing. I mean, after all there's a scene where the jerk boyfriend sells the retarded kid to a child molester in exchange for some cocaine! As you can see, the humor in this thing is extremely dark and the first fifty-minutes or so mainly focus on the dirty jokes. Director-writer Chad Ferrin spent some of his early career at Troma and it's easy to see their stamp all over this film. The jokes are all rather tasteless and especially the various scenes where the teenage boy is being abused. The gory/horror elements happen after most of the comedy and these scenes deliver as well. We're not talking the work of Tom Savini here but I thought the gore effects were good considering the budget and at least there was plenty of the red stuff to go around. For such a low-budget "B" movie I was really shocked to see how much of the stuff here was above average. This included the performances, the special effects and even the look of the film was quite professional. Best of all are a couple twists that happen in the last ten minutes, which I certainly won't ruin but I thought both of them worked extremely well. Again, EASTER BUNNY, KILL! KILL! isn't a film for sensitive viewers but those who like things dark should get a kick out of it.
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