20 July 2012
What can I say? It's a Spider-Man reboot. Let's face it, no matter how cool he is, Spider-Man is just not the kind of hero who has a masterpiece movie, he's the kind of superhero that has a movie full of special effects, pretty girls, cheap gags, and one-liners. Andrew Garfeild showed potential, and was amusing to watch, and the always amazing Emma Stone was fabulous as ever. Honestly the story was decent, the acting was decent, the writing was decent. So what can I say besides that it was decent. It was fun, and that's really all Spider-Man can be. Was it as good as the Toby Macguire films? No, not even close. But it is a fun film,with action, suspense, romance, science, and humor. It is moderately clean, providing a superhero film that all ages can enjoy. Like I said though, it's Spider-Man, people who watch it expecting a masterpiece are going to be let down, it just isn't, and no matter how hard people try, Spider-Man will never be a masterpiece, it's what it always has been action, effects, heart, and pretty girls. So watch it, it's fun and pretty cool, but don't expect anything special.
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