Love Exists (1961)
Don't watch this one if you are will only make it worse.
21 July 2012
This film by Maurice Pialat is included as a special feature on the DVD for "Naked Childhood"--another Pialat film. Unlike "Naked Childhood", this one is a short film and a documentary. It's about the hopelessness of life in the Parisian suburbs. The grayness of life and the monotony of existence are emphasized in the film's narration and images. "L'amour Exists" appears to be a film pushing for social change--in support of the socialist or perhaps communist view for the future of the nation. However, and here's the interesting part, if you cut out a few clips (such as the wretched huts a few lived in that are shown in a very brief part of the film), I could imagine the same film being shown with POSITIVE and happy narration--talking about how good life in the 'burbs is! It's all in the perspective and the one in this film is decidedly negative in order to make its point. A well made film but one you should not watch if you're feeling depressed--it will only make it worse!
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