Star Trek: Voyager: Investigations (1996)
Season 2, Episode 20
Tom Tom Club
27 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Neelix begins broadcasting his own television show- "Good Morning Voyager" or some-such nonsense- in which he appears as host and does sports, news and weather for the benefit and boredom of the already- tortured crew. What makes it even more sad is that in the course of finding stories for his morning show Neelix is able to discover more about the traitor on board the ship than the rest of the Starfleet crew combined.

He stumbles upon a rumor that Tom Paris is leaving Voyager for a Talaxian convoy ship and has a genuinely emotional goodbye with the troubled officer. This was a nice scene, which everyone can relate to... no matter how you feel about someone you're forced to reconsider them when you realize you may never see them again. After a touching scene and on-air tribute, Tom departs and is promptly kidnapped by the Kazon.

Ready for the big surprise? Tom Paris is a spy and his recent subplot involving his "bad attitude" has been for the sake of creating the illusion that he was unhappy and wanted to leave. Oh. Okay...

The nauseating Martha Hackett returns as Seska, glowering and cackling and missing her calling as Witch #3 in a Children's Playhouse production of "Grimm's Fairy Tales." Here she welcomes Tom aboard the Kazon vessel and squeezes her stomach to remind us she's pregnant; back on Voyager Neelix singlehandedly takes on the traitor Michael Jonas, killing him and saving the ship. The Captain, Chakotay, Tuvok, Torres and Kim just stand around, demonstrating just how balanced and focused the writing is.

Doctor gets a subplot about being a cranky effeminate star who wants more airtime on Neelix's show, a stretch considering he is played by a cranky effeminate star who wants more airtime on the show. And Kes? Who? Oh yeah... Kes! By this point it seems the writers had either forgotten who she was and that she was even on board the ship. I'd never thought I'd be nostalgic for Kes eating beetles but there you go.

Tom Paris subplot- resolved. Traitor subplot- resolved. Where do we go from here?

I have no bloody idea.

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