Review of Detention

Detention (2011)
This Detention could be your last
5 August 2012
The horror genre is one that sees very little original stuff anymore. Most of the stuff that is churned out is ripped off from something else, but if done right can be really fun. Sadly, most of the time these films miss the mark, flooding the video shelves with forgettable editions to a genre that begs for something new. The latest Detention seems to be taking a different approach that could work, but easily go horribly wrong.

Detention follows a young girl just trying to survive her senior year of high school, but when someone dressed as a fictional horror villain starts killing people during detention, it becomes a fight to save the world as she knows it. This is one of those very strange and unique films that have no grey area, you either get it and have fun or you don't. A mix of Breakfast Club, Scream, Back to the Future and sprinkled with a bit of every teen movie you can think of Detention manages to deliver a fun movie that slaps you in the face with wackiness. It's not a spoof or really stupid, it is just all over the place with such a unique take on the idea that it works for some strange reason where it shouldn't. This is one of those movies that have to be seen to really understand what they are trying to do. This is a very original slasher movie that manages to throw in aspects that make little to no sense with the story you think you are going to get and creates something new to the genre. While not overly gory, there is just enough slasher gore to make please the horror fan while taking them on a journey like no other.

This is one of those films that will either suck you in for the fun or drive you away by the silliness. Delivering something original is a big gamble these days as people complain about not getting it, but as soon as they do they complain. Detention delivers an original film like no other and is sure to entertain more than disappoint. It's meant for those people that just like to have fun and step out of the real world and maybe get a little silliness in their life, along with some blood.
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