One of the best teen based movie to come from Japan
8 August 2012
Based on a comic of the same title by Karuho Shiina, "Kimi ni todoke" is a movie adaptation done well, and acted superbly by the cast.

The story is a play on the movie "Ring". A girl that resemble "Sadako" of the movie Ring is being feared by her classmates. Rumored to become cursed if she looks at you, she is avoided like the real Sadako by her classmates. The girl's real name is Sawako Kuronuma (Mikako Tabe), and she's really a nice girl. While everyone is avoiding her, Shota Kazahaya (Haruma Miura) befriends her, and her popularity begins to grow. She also gets two friends Ayane Yano (Natsuna), and Chizuru Yoshida (Misako Renbutsu) who befriends her. There's a strong friendship between the four of them, and the story revolves around the four of them, their romance, and their friendship. Shota loves Sawako, and he confesses his love to her. Sawako slowly starts to accept the fact that she is worthy of Shota's love, and starts to become active part of his life.

The story is superb in describing the intricacies of friendship, and romance of the cast and characters. Each scene highlights the emotions of the characters involved, and how they are maturing in their life.

The performance of the cast is fantastic. They really carry the story with their acting, charm, and presence.

Without a question, this is one of the best teen based movie to come out of Japan in the past 10 years. It's a delight to watch, with characters that you can identify with.
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