Bonanza: The Newcomers (1959)
Season 1, Episode 3
Inger Stevens and Dan Blocker make this special....
19 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't see this episode until some thirty years after it was produced...but for me, it is one of a precious few Bonanza episodes that I hold dear. Inger Stevens is an absolute marvel as a dying young woman who is sadly part of a criminal family that has crossed the Cartwrights--and she falls in love with Hoss when he shows her the "beauty" that hides beneath the "beast". Hoss, while acting as their protection as they return to California, proves to be her knight in shining armor--but she know that she is dying; as a result, she cannot allow him to love her, either.

Eventually, these "dying girlfriend" plot lines would become routine in Bonanza (I used to use the line "that lasted about as long as a Cartwright wife")--but this one was the first--and the most powerful. We see the gruff Hoss blossom as he clumsily but tenderly reveals his emotions, and as he tries to understand why she won't--and can't--love him in return...and we feel his pain and loss.

This episode, along with the tragic "Forever", represent the Bonanza franchise for me.
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