The Premiere of "Marie Antoinette"
20 August 2012
Hard-working Americans like to go places and see things, reports MGM narrator Frank Whitbeck. Different parts of the country demonstrate their desire to go out during different types of events. New Orleans citizens go to the Mardi Gras. In Indianapolis, they watch the death-defying 500 auto race. New York City goes daffy with the New Year's Eve celebration. The Northwest enjoys rodeos. Atlantic City goes girl crazy for Miss America. And, Hollywood people "blow off steam" by attending world premieres...

The MGM crew prepares the Carthay Circle theater for the premiere of "Marie Antoinette" (1938). Norman Shearer and Tyrone Power are top-billed. They both appear, along with many other celebrities. Judy Garland and Freddie Bartholomew are the first shown signing the guest book, which must be worth a small fortune. There are also fireworks, set pieces and a live orchestra. Fanny Brice and Pete Smith perform a skit. An estimated 40,000 fans watch the people who watch the movie. An engaging short.

***** Hollywood Goes to Town (7/38) Herman Hoffman ~ Norma Shearer, Frank Whitbeck, Fanny Brice, Pete Smith
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