Painful "hick" comedy
26 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Like "The Fat Spy", which I first watched recently, I thought for a long time that "The Nasty Rabbit" was a spy spoof. But while it IS more connected to that genre than "The Fat Spy" (which has NOTHING to do with spies whatsoever), "The Nasty Rabbit" is really more of a country-Western comedy (apart from the first and the last 5 minutes, the entire movie takes place on a ranch). And an unbearable one at that. I thought about turning it off at several points, but I didn't - your endurance may vary. Mischa Terr, in his ONLY acting appearance ever, gives one of the worst comic performances in the history of cinema - he makes Franco and Ciccio look like models of subtlety. And nearly all of the supporting characters are exaggerated, bombastic ethnic stereotypes. I give "The Nasty Rabbit" 2 stars out of 10 - 1 for Melissa Morgan's juicy cleavage and 1 for the one amusing gag in the picture (two guys set a trap for a third, it doesn't work, but when they try it it does) which, of course, is stolen directly from the (immensely funnier than this movie) Wile E. Coyote cartoons.
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