Above-average Euro thriller with a superb score by Gianni Marchetti
28 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
If you've seen enough of these 1960s European thriller co-productions, you'll know that "The Killer Likes Candy" is put together more professionally and coherently than many of them (the one or two cases of choppy editing seem to be more the fault of the fullscreen DVD prints - the movie was obviously meant to be seen in widescreen). Kerwin Mathews is a pretty solid business-first-pleasure-later lead, but although I liked Marilu Tolo as his love interest, to be honest I would have preferred one of the other two women in the film, Ann Smyrner or Fabienne Dali, to have the main female role. Oh well, that's a matter of personal taste. The Rome locations are great and Gianni Marchetti's music score is simply superb - pure 60s! The one major problem of the film is that the killer of the title, supposedly "a perfectionist" and "the best in the business", is actually extremely incompetent and ineffectual. **1/2 out of 4.
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