Review of Local Color

Local Color (2006)
If Archie Bunker made a movie about art.
5 September 2012
The most important thing to know about this movie is it is unusually boring. I kept waiting for it to end. The curtain came down, the music soared, then it took off again, over and over and over, like some spoof of a Beethoven symphony endlessly ending.

It mocks art and art critics with straw men situations, that might have been concocted by Archie Bunker. For example, Ron Perlman plays an obnoxious screaming queen art critic who mistakes the paintings of retarded children for high art. An artist displays an empty frame and slings BS about the deep inner meaning of its flatness.

The plot: A young man with a rabidly homophobic father invades the home of a reclusive alcoholic artist demanding to be taught to paint. The artist lets him in, but just leaves him to paint. They snipe at each other, for what feels like weeks even though the movie fits on one DVD.

The dialogue is nausea-inducing e.g. "clouds are where angels hide", "follow your dream".
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