Guild Wars 2 (2012 Video Game)
Perfect 4 former Wow players
7 September 2012
Having recently canceled my WoW subscription, and have been anticipating this game for over a year, GW2 has finally launched. All the hype surrounding this game, and the posts saying that this is a revolutionary entry to the MMORPG genre are true. Guild Wars 2 takes all the questing, grinding, Looting boredom out, and replaces it with a fast paced fun experience. I'm playing a Charr Warrior and am still at Level 23 and still wanting more. I will probably be playing this game for more than a couple of years. In summary if you've been playing WoW or other MMO's and are freaking sick and tired of them, give this game a try its free to play and will have you hooked for a very long time.
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