A mixed bag--a lot to like and a lot to hate.
7 September 2012
Like so many Roy Rogers films, this one's title has absolutely nothing to do with the title. So, if you are looking for any sort of Robin Hood angle, you'll be disappointed.

As for the movie, it's a very mixed bag. Let's start with the bad. As Roy's career evolved, he began playing an idealized version of himself--and was even referred to as Roy Rogers in his films. And, in this persona, he was a swell guy--a guy who loved kids and was about as hard-edged as a bowling ball! More and more in his films he would either have children in key roles (in this one, it's 'Sis') or have childish sorts of plots. I assume that his fan base became increasingly younger as his career progressed. Unfortunately, sometimes this resulted in ridiculously saccharine plots--and the plot in this one is just cringe-worthy! Fortunately, however, there is a HUGE plus that fans of B-westerns will love. Near the end, when Roy and his friends are in a jam, out come a group of B-movie stars of the 20s, 30s and 40s--and it's nice to see the likes of Monte Hale, Kermet Maynard, Ray Corrigan and Rocky Lane (and more). For me, this makes up for the horrid plot....a bit.

The film begins with Roy stumbling into some...Christmas tree rustlers!! I kid you not...Christmas TREES!! It seems that his good friend Jack Holt (the real-life star of tons of westerns and other films--and the father of cowboy star Time Holt) has a Christmas tree farm and he's being robbed blind--thanks to the henchmen hired by a competitor. Roy understands that (gosh) unless he helps, lots of children will be disappointed this Christmas!! While not as bad as "Santa Claus Versus the Martians", this is an amazingly stupid plot--and has absolutely nothing to do with the old west. By 1950, Roy's films were becoming more and more detached from reality--playing up his children's hero role much more than any western character.

So the film has a super-dumb plot, an annoying kid BUT lots of nice cameos. Plus, if you are a fan of Holt (I love his older films if you can find them), it's one of the last films he made, as he would die about a year later. Worth seeing if you are a huge fan, otherwise it's pretty dumb.
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