Funny, Well-Rouded, and Slightly Dark.
10 September 2012
To be perfectly honest I was expecting a slightly bland, over-produced, by-the-book romantic comedy with no real originality. However, I was surprised to find that it was none of these. It was quite funny, without using only slapstick, and irreverent remarks but having some good wholesome humor in it as well, and even in a few moments the element of surprise working for it. Jason Segal played his usual shtick of lovable, sensitive but slightly stupid big guy, and Emily Blunt covered the position of the beautiful woman who is far out of his league but loves him anyway. Both performed superbly, and the chemistry between the two of them was fantastic. It is very rare these days to find a film where the portrayed couple feels real and relatable, but Segal and Blunt pull it off nearly to perfection. The script was above average for a comedy, the storyline had some originality, and even though the ending was predictable the film still held interest. It, simply put, is a nice, warm-hearted romance movie about a couple who is madly in love and the lengths they will advance to, in order to keep their love alive. 8 out of 10 stars to what is possibly the best comedy of the year.
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