Good Against Evil (1977 TV Movie)
20 September 2012
This film begins much like "Rosemary's Baby", though in this case Beelzebub apparently got a girl--a girl who grew up and had no idea she was the child of pure EVIL!! During much of the first part of the film, she is wooed by a creepy suitor (Dack Rambo)--who is supposed to be romantic because he won't take NO for an answer (I sure was getting rapist vibes from this!). Then, abruptly, the film switches and you hear nothing more about the lady after she is hypnotized! The plot changes to a child who is possessed and her mother (a young Kim Cattrall)--and the viewer is left wandering what happened to the Devil's daughter?! And, by the end of the film, you have absolutely no idea whatsoever! The film just abruptly ends!

"Good Against Evil" was apparently a failed TV series pitched by ABC. It's hard to imagine now, but with the popularity of books and films such as "The Exorcist" and "The Omen", someone at the network thought it would be a good idea to create a TV series about the fight between the followers of Satan and God. The problem is that although this MIGHT have worked, the DVD for this is amazingly unsatisfying to watch--it's not really a movie but PART of a plot for a film that was never completed. What they did show really isn't very good and since there is no ending or even a reasonable stopping point, I can't see any reason to recommend it. It literally stops as if they just ran out of film!! Not worth your time.
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