Great Cast, Relatable Story
4 October 2012
I don't usually watch Lifetime Movies. But for whatever reason I found myself watching this one. It kept drawing me in as I tried to figure out what was going to happen next.

The story is completely relatable. So many parts of it are like scenes from my own memory of days gone by. The two girls were very convincing. They reminded me of, me and my best friend, total opposites and of course often bickering like sisters. The two male actors were great too. Naturals in fact! I believed every second, and am pretty sure that I have encountered guys just like them at parties I have been to.

The message of this movie is wonderful. It reminded me of an after school special that might have been on when I was younger, but with better acting, better producing, better editing and a way better script.

Overall, I have to say, Bravo! I may just have to catch another Lifetime Movie to see what they have in store next!
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