Brilliant remake of Gaetano Donizetti
5 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It is not a masterpiece in the gay gender or genre, but it is a masterpiece in the Italian genre or gender because it brings gayness into the Italian community. And that is a genial idea, isn't it? Because if there is anything more disturbing than being gay and out of the closet in the Italian tradition, it is … well it is … what after all? Maybe nothing. Maybe to have a family reunion with your grandchildren when you are a Pope.

In this film then, two childhood friends assume being gay in their grown age, when they finally manage to get out of their stifling, choking and strangling Italian families and they enjoy it as long as they remain in the closet, but there is always some body louse that will go around and tell at least one person under a strict promise and oath to keep it secret, and then that will be too late. Everyone will know instantly.

But one of the two will accept the deal of getting dragged into marriage and fatherhood by an old high school girl grown adult and solitary, though rather rapacious as for men, though there is a time when you have to settle down, isn't there? Her last chance becomes his first and only chance to be back in the good Italian mould, at least for a while with a closet in the garage or a motel downtown. He will take it because then you don't have to answer difficult questions and you don't have to face tense situations with your mamma or your papa, or your neighbors or even the peeping toms in the street and the gossip in the supermarket.

And you will be alone again but you will finally be free and you will finally be able to say mother-f*****g-s**t to the whole world, God included and you will have your life in your own hands. You will start a new career, etc. You will even be able to get a new boy friend, a real one who has been out of the closet for a while This film is thus nothing really extraordinary but it is Italian black humor at the sky-scraping level and it becomes even funny to see how torturesque, or would you prefer picturesque, that humor is. Take pincers, pinch your belly button and start turning, unscrewing. When the belly button finally get out of its button hole you will find it so funny that the blood will be the tomato sauce topping it off into a haute cuisine salad, a haute torture extravaganza that will sound, taste, look and even feel so hot that you will cry "Pimento" and dive into the swimming poor in the middle of one hundred flabbergasted witnesses. What about that as for a parabola of being screwed after being unscrewed? You are sure to have the cops, the priests and the teachers of the whole city watching the event on television too night in the prime time news, after the latest updates on the raging war in some foreign country and before the weather forecast.

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