12 October 2012
I felt some of the reviews displayed were rather unfair to such a beautiful little gem of a movie. It steps away from the mundane American teen films where all these teenage networks must come together for an audience to understand the movie or find some point or moral. The beautiful black and white photography is a fine artistic choice from Rihs, maybe in homage to his own crazy memories.

The film is a study of the fickle teenagers lost in drugs, alcohol and sexual identity. Not to mention the wonderful critique of the bourgeois (the canal boat scenes) looking down upon these vagabond/rogue characters. They may look down but they still want a piece of the action.

A very funny film which pushes the boundaries of what a viewer is capable of finding amusing. Sodomy of your grandmother may not be to everybody's taste but I just had to giggle.

well acted, well presented and certainly well under rated.

go on give it a go!
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