Unspeakable (2000 Video)
I Can See Why Troma Picked This Up
15 October 2012
Impotent and unhappy middle-aged James Fhelleps goes murderously around the bend after an automobile accident claims the life of his beloved daughter Heather and turns his nagging wife Alice into a pathetic grotesquely disfigured cripple.

Although Troma only acted as a distributor on this film, their stamp is all over this. Low production value, sexual assault of a crippled woman involving feces... homosexual, pedophile priest... oh yeah, this is Troma material. Uncle Lloyd probably could not open his wallet fast enough. (I love Troma, but sometimes they make some strange investments.) This film had very little going for it. If you want to be shocked or disgusted, it has some scenes that are pretty disturbing and gross. But a decent-looking movie with a solid plot and excellent acting? That is not this film.
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