good chick flick
2 November 2012
In the sixties , movies used to show actors in their thirties pretending to be students in college .

Now seventeen year olds are shown pretending to be 21 year olds in college courtesy Yash raj films .

......All to enjoy the freedom of boozing and doing the things that adults do--yeah , even the girls !!

And the new vehicle for starting romance is the internet ; more specifically , the star of the net--facebook , what else.....

Yeah , forget dating sites and all that , these college kids are hooked on to facebook for finding a partner.....

So whats the story ??

A goodlooking girl and a goodlooking guy use the profiles of an even better looking girl and better looking guy to chat with each other......for they are not so confident about their real self .

As they begin to like each other , they want to meet . But both don't know who they are chatting to , and send the real persons of the profiles to meet each other .

So there are four people in the ring--the two real people whose profiles are being used , and the two fakes who are using the profiles to chat with each other .

But who is in love with whom ??

They all themselves are confused about that , because the fakes like each other on the net , but don't like each other in real life.....

So how will romance blossom , and between whom and whom ??

But don't worry ; as the cliché goes--love will find a way.....

But until its finds a way , there is some fun , some college dhammal , some entertainment , some partying , some college pranks to be pulled......

All candyfloss stuff for the bubblegum crowd......

So go have fun !!

Verdict--watchable .
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