The Avengers (2012)
Very Good.
7 November 2012
Being the comic book junkie that I am, and seeing numerous attempts at making decent super hero/vigil-anti films, most of which ending in disaster. From the terrible 'Fantastic Four' films to the ridiculously awful 'Thor' film, there was no doubt in my mind that the film would lack any real substance, but instead focus on immature, repetitive, one- liners. My only true incentive for paying to see this in theaters was Joss Whedon being the writer and director. That being said I enjoyed the 'Iron Man,' 'Captain America,' and 'Hulk' films as well. My expectations were low for this ensemble super hero flick, as I sat in the back row of the movie theater. It was surprisingly very good. it was well written(for the most part), the acting was superb, the plot was juicy and consistent, the characters were believable, and the CGI and other effects were great. The film had many one liners, but they were mature, well thought out, humorous, and best of all: the film didn't rely on them to make itself memorable.Aside from the over the top Thor and Loki characters, and far too fast progressing beginning the film was excellent. The film began very fast, and then suddenly slowed down which was a slight bit annoying. But with all things considered, especially the other acting and special effects, the film is a great film, well worth viewing and/or owning.
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