The Bellybutton Lint of Slasher Flicks...is back
9 November 2012
The Wrong Turn "franchise" (is this REALLY a franchise already?) has taken, yes, another "wrong turn"...sigh. I know I wrote that and I'm sorry but inspiration is at an all time low after watching this smear of "cinema" last night. What is it? What's it all about, but more importantly...should YOU watch it. Last answer is easy. No. The other answers are pointless. There's nothing conventionally wise or deep about this sequel to a bad sequel that was a sequel to a crappy sequel that was a sequel to an "okay" sequel that was a sequel to an otherwise average inbred hillbilly mutant slasher movie. This is the vine that just keeps rotting away and people continue plucking from it and hoping the fruit has changed from feces flavor to at least starburst. Look in the mirror. Your teeth are brown. In a piece of toilet paper, this is about the hillbilly clan, yeah they have names, after 5 movies I don't even care what they are...who kill people and eat them or make them eat themselves sometimes or whatever. They muck about in the woods and make silly grunting and giggling noises...and young retarded people die vicious deaths. Ahhh...now we are on to something. This is for your Redbox dollar people. Don't see anything else? Well, there's always a cheap horror flick to get you and your gal or guy in the mood. Psyche. You'll probably both be so bored with it you'll fall asleep before any nookie is unveiled. Leave this pile of crud alone. It ain't worth it.
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