Sex & the Single Mom (2003 TV Movie)
A sad portrayel of a godless generation and dysfunctional families
10 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
im watching this movie, and it occurs to me that everything in this movie is just wrong. i don't mean just the main female characters problems, i mean EVERYBODY. everyones separated. going to God to help with problems, or trying to live the right way as God intended, is nowhere to be seen. the redheaded neighbor of the lead mom is one of those stupid free thinking former-hippie loose types that lets her son have sex as long as "its in the house". the conversation the lead mom has and says "what kind of parenting is this?" is spot on. that redhead mom is just creepy in her thinking. she then is all for the mom going through an abortion and is "shocked" when the mom says shes going to have the baby. as if its a weird thing to want to have a baby? i felt like that woman belonged in an episode of the twilight zone. then the redhead says the history teacher shes banging is going to move in. hmmm, ever just consider MARRIAGE you dirty hippy? the main character mother,i forget all there names, the blonde...she has more sense then anyone else in this ridiculous movie. she has the right idea, but made a mistake by giving into lust with a man she THOUGHT was single and divorced from his wife and would want to be with her. the guy who she was with just wanted sex in the end which is so typical. even though he uses the word "love" he still goes back to his wife and kids, WHICH would have noble IF he had not chosen to sleep with this blonde while out of town. to me that was a douchey move.

the dad of danielle panabaker seems like a nice guy but it makes me upset that No one in this movie seems to have tried to make the marriage work. from the sounds of it, it looks as if they all just had shotgun weddings and then a few years down the road just gave up. if any of these people in this movie tried to live as the Bible says and asked Christ for help and guidance, waited for marriage to have sexual intercourse, made sure they really loved the person to begin with, and REALLY TRIED to make the marriage work, well i don't think there would be any reason for this movie because these people would have stayed married and thus, no drama. but God is never spoken of, seems no one goes to church at all, and even Christmas time seems empty and joyless because these peoples lives are...empty and joyless. speaking of which, what kind of "Christmas" party is THAT? that looked more like a perversion of Christmas, people dancing, sex and swimming and bump and grind? eeesh, how terrible. the daughter, as typical of teenage idiots, wants the hot-but-jerky-douchebag guy and then finds him and her best friend doing it at the party! and then she feels "crushed" and surprised when the fact is her guy friend told her repeatedly how much of a jerk the guy is? seriously, this was pathetic. question: why is ANYONE shocked that anyone is cheating with anyone else? the movie seems chockful of cheaters and promiscuity. the kids are snots and just mean, the "rivalry" even between the very young stepmother of danielle panabaker is pretty nasty, and the movie in general gives you a sad view of life without God, without hope or without faith. no one trying to make things work, no one answers to a Higher Power, and thus, as should be expected, NOTHING works out in the end for these people. just sad.
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