Review of The Prestige

The Prestige (2006)
20 November 2012
We learn within the first minute just what "the prestige" is. It would turn out to be what the film is really all about, its third act. The prestige of The Prestige is twist after twist after reveal until an ULTIMATE climax, but after the second big twist your brain will be mush. The film closes with a line about "being fooled" and I was certainly fooled. There are many questions that are answered, and further more questions that can have answers- but pursuing them would be pointless. The writing is incredible as far as the plot is concerned: the 'first, next, then' is well managed, but the "why" at the end has lots of ambiguity. Some won't like the lack of denouement, but it's almost certainly an artistic choice and thus subjective.

The plot is not linear- if you read the back of the Blu Ray or IMDb description, you will be bewildered by the first 20 minutes. Keep an open mind and just absorb the scenes in the film- there is great reward.

Artistically amazing, the turn of the 20th century is a unique time period hardly explored by genres of than the historical drama or biopic, both typically "boring" if well made films. The costumes, lighting and atmosphere are moody, like the film content. And it's really weird to hear Christian Bale's regular voice.

There are issues however: the opening scenes are jarring, and it's always tough to tell when and how much time has jumped between scenes. Considering the high level of Nolan's films, especially their beginnings, this confusion put a damper on the whole film. Also, the initial friendship between Angier and Borden is hardly shown, and poorly sold.

The themes of obsession and rivalry dominate the film: what would you do to get ahead of your opponent? Would it have a permanent effect on you? Both magicians cut moral corners, leading to another interesting idea: who's the good guy? Bad guy? Even by the end it can be tough to decide, if you choose to decide.

The Prestige is an excellent film that boggles the mind, but I feel it too loose to be considered a Nolan masterpiece. Its plot, characters and acting are incredible, conveying a very topical feeling of magic. Nevertheless a worthy view, if you can tolerate small cracks throughout and chips off at the end. 8.5/10
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