Outstandingly Creepy and Haunting
23 November 2012
It's not that there are any huge plot twists to Poor Pretty Eddie. There aren't. You can pretty much predict what's going to happen and when. If you want plot, don't watch this.

If, however, you want low-level unsettling Southern Gothic that builds the tension, fear and dread until it's almost unbearable this is the movie for you.

Like Deliverance, this is an exercise in mood and tone. It's a great big eggshell of a movie, always just on the verge of shattering.

Poor Pretty Eddie is a kept man. He's a gigolo that found a broken down former girl singer and latched on to her. And she to him. It's somewhat of a trailer park Viginia Woolfe only much sadder and desperate. There's no future for anyone here. It's a never ending purgatory. Liz Weatherly, a jazz diva from New York, takes off on the spur of the moment to get some peace and quiet. Her car breaks down and there's the movie.

The most amazing element of the movie is the sound mixing. It goes off into truly terrifying flights of discordance like Tom Waits or Carnival of Souls. The climax of the movie rewrites the vocal to Amazing Grace so that it's unrecognizable and then piles on more and more sound until you can feel the oppression and fear that Liz goes through.

It's one of the most brutal films I've seen. And I won' watch it again. But I'm glad I saw it.
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