Gripping stuff.' — Daily Telegraph
27 November 2012
'One problem with learning about history in the school room is that many incredible feats are reduced to dates and basic details. If only all tales were recounted like Captain James Cook's in this fantastic four-part documentary. Gripping stuff.' —

Daily Telegraph

The program removes Cook from the comfort zones customarily created for him and shows him as both a brilliant but flawed and driven man. He left an extraordinary legacy in scientific terms. This was effected by dedication to his purpose and his duty which overrode the demands of his personal health and safety leading ultimately to his death. As it is interesting to the scholar as well as to the neophyte, Captain Cook: obsession and discovery sets a new standard for a well- researched history which is vivid, exciting and accessible.' —

NSW Premier's History awards

'THUMBS UP! Narrator Vanessa Collingridge manages to draw the viewer into this majestic journey with her bountiful enthusiasm.' —

Sydney Morning Herald

'An intriguing examination of the way technology, society and the man's own talents combined to produce a figure who, quite literally, changed the world.' —

Sunday Age

'It's a lively presentation of history supported with good vision of the exotic scenes Cook encountered: tropical orgies, New Zealand cannibals and hip-throbbing Tahitian dancers.' —

Weekend Australian

"Must See TV' —

Daily Telegraph

'The location work in Yorkshire, Canada, New Zealand, Tahiti, Hawaii and Australia is wondrous to see.' —

Sydney Morning Herald, Show of the Week

'This enthralling documentary carefully balances the insights and narrative of British author Vanessa Collingridge and re-enactments of Cook's expeditions without interfering with the enthralling story that unfolds.' —

Sydney Morning Herald

'5 Stars!' —

Time Out Magazine
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