Silent Night (I) (2012)
Once the night do become silent, this movie will not linger on...
1 December 2012
I was initially lured in by the somewhat odd cover for this movie; having a strange-looking Santa there with a flamethrower. If that is not an eye-catcher, then I don't know what it.

Having seen the movie now, I somewhat sit here and wonder where the horror in the movie vanished off to, because this movie was anything but scary. And if anything, then the older movies in the same genre, such as "Silent Night, Deadly Night" or "Black Christmas" were actually more entertaining than this 2012 movie.

The story in "Silent Night" is about a mysterious and masked person dressed up as Santa Claws who goes on a killing spree in a small town during the Christmas holidays. And it is up to the local police force to bring an end to the murderous rampage.

Story-wise, it wasn't the most interesting of movies, as it was all something that basically had been seen before in other movies. That being said, I am not saying that it is all bad, because the movie does manage to entertain from the very start and up to the end. Sure, there were some questionable moments and goofy parts to the movie, but all in all, it did manage to entertain. However, this movie is not likely going to become a Christmas classic such as "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" is, nor is it the type of movie that you will most likely ever watch again after having seen it once.

If you enjoy horror movies, then "Silent Night" is not the best of choices, but there are far worse movies available.
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