Not as terrible as the rating would indicate.
14 December 2012
Really, this routine, harmless, goofy comic fantasy may be instantly forgettable, but it's hard to completely resist - if for no other reason than to see its star in a bikini top. Supermodel Kathy Ireland stars as Wanda, a nerdy Valley Girl whose boyfriend dumps her for being a bore. Well, she's about to show him, as she receives word that her explorer father has "died" in Africa, and travels there herself to learn that in fact dear old dad fell down a deep hole and ended up at the center of the Earth and in the lost city of Atlantis. In this instance, the people of Atlantis are extra-terrestrials who ended up in the planet core long ago, and who regard any strangers to their domain as the aliens. Wanda hooks up with Gus (William R. Moses), a gruff miner, who reluctantly agrees to help her find her father. As directed by the prolific Albert Pyun, this benefits from its production design (here, Atlantis is a dimly lit and seedy environment populated by weirdo characters) and atmosphere. The problem is that it all feels too familiar, and it never really takes off as one might hope; it's stuck in a rather low gear throughout. Makeup design on the characters is amusing, but none of the individuals in this story are all that interesting. Ireland is adorable in the lead, but the squeaky voice which she affects for the role may drive some viewers insane. The supporting cast features a number of no-name performers, but there is some entertainment in seeing how a couple of them play more than one role. However, you will recognize Thom Mathews of "The Return of the Living Dead" and numerous other B movies in the supporting role of Charmin', an amiable young fighter, gorgeous Linda Kerridge who plays both Roris and Auntie Pearl, Don Michael Paul as fed up ex-boyfriend Robbie, and Deep Roy, who plays diminutive mobster Mambino. They all make this watchable enough, but the supposedly big finish is lacking in tension and quite underwhelming. Still, if you're patient and forgiving enough to see this through to the end, Pyun keeps the humour going through the end credits. The subsequent Cannon Group production "Journey to the Center of the Earth" features Ireland reprising the Wanda character in a cameo appearance. Five out of 10.
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