Yet another stupid and nasty little film.....
14 December 2012
"Shirley Temple's mother designed the black lace panties and bra worn by Temple".

The above comment is from IMDb and pretty much sums up why I hated this film and the other 'Kiddie Burlesque' films Educational Pictures made with Shirley Temple at the beginning of her career. The joke in the films consisted of very, very young children dressing and acting like adults--and in many suggestive and sexually inappropriate situations. Like the rest, Shirley amazes the audience with her singing and dancing--which, frankly, was terrible as any child's SHOULD have been at that age. Sure, she quickly developed into an amazing actress--but here, watching her is like going to watch a school pageant--and NO ONE would pay to watch that! Combined with the creepy factor, this is NOT a film that normal folks would readily enjoy. Beware.
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