A Cosmic Christmas (1977 TV Movie)
Slightly weird late 70s Christmas
26 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
While switching channels yesterday, i stumbled upon this Christmas cartoon on Kidsco channel. It was kind of weird, somewhat similar to Charles Dickens' Christmas novels, where the cynical people with hardened hearts, are changed for the better during Christmas after repenting of their own evil nature/sinfulness, usually after being shown their decay from innocent children to adults with cold hearts. It convicts myself, since i am as inclined to sin and evil, and have become a lost son/sheep away from God and Christ. The same about this cartoon, showing a young boy Peter and his pet goose, walking in a gloomy city during Christmas holidays, but lacking any good spirit and the adults are materialistic, selfish and worried by petty nonsense.

The boy then sees a shiny star, which is really an alien ship, which everybody doesn't notice, too preoccupied by themselves. After a fight with some homeless children, Peter then meets three aliens, similar to the three wise men/Magi from the New Testament, who came to meet the born King of Kings, Jesus Christ; also the alien ship seemed like the star that marked Jesus' birthplace. These three are on a quest to find out the meaning of Christmas; but what is understandable to a child - birth of Lord Jesus Christ and striving to love others as ourselves through good deeds, has been forgotten by the adults and children alike, except for Peter and his family.

And as Peter's goose was stolen by one of the homeless children for food, the whole family sets on a chase to reclaim it, which almost ends tragically - the thief falls through cracked ice into the cold lake, dragging Peter with himself. But this event has lead to the joining of forces of the adults and aliens to save the drowning children, and then leads to a party where everybody is invited, including the thief, who was forgiven and the other homeless children. After this the aliens leave, having finally understood the meaning of Christmas, which is to be more like Jesus Christ.

CONCLUSION: There is a definite influence of the first Star Wars movie released earlier in the same year, with the whole aliens story angle. There is the whole consumerism, cynicism that are more evident today, but they are shown as bad and unappealing. The good part is that this cartoon does mention the birth of Jesus Christ (even though it probably wasn't on December 25), which is a rarity in Christmas movies/cartoons today. The main ideas are similar to the following Bible verses:

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." (Philippians 4:8)

"..I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:3)

The soundtrack is cool, with a few melodic songs with real instruments, as well as various synthesized sound effects for aliens/alien ship, which do sound creepy and can bring some element of nostalgia for those who like older electronic music.

If you are tired of the godless, cynical and shallow media of today and wanna show your children a better Christian-like example, this is a good example, while telling them that the whole aliens stuff is a metaphor for Jesus' birth.
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