War of the Dead (I) (2011)
There's more to these Nazi's than expected in War of the Dead
30 December 2012
Thanks to shows like the Walking Dead the zombie craze is still running strong, but that also means everyone and their grandmother continue to churn out film after film in the genre. Sadly most of these films offer little new or even good for the fans. Every so often you get one that is a surprise and delivers more than expected. The latest tackles the zombie genre, but adds Nazi's to the mix in an attempt to take it somewhere unique. Can they capture the same fun that films like Dead Snow delivered or will it be another zombie film that should have stayed dead?

War of the Dead follows a platoon of soldiers on a mission to find a bunker held by Germans. On the way they come under fire and run into what seems to be undead German soldiers and soon discover just how they became this way. This film kind of came out of nowhere and ended up delivering a fun addition to the genre. It plays very similar to the great werewolf film Dog Soldiers, but with the addition of Nazi's and zombies. Over the years it has become pretty obvious that the addition of Nazi's to anything seems to make it better. They are just the perfect villains, but you make them zombies and you get something even better. This film offers very little in regards to story, but isn't really necessary to its overall execution. There is very little character development and isn't needed, instead you are just given almost nonstop Nazi zombie killing action. What makes this film work even better is that they took it serious making the action and story more effective. They seemed to stick pretty close to using almost all practical effects bringing some great looking zombies to life alongside plenty of gore.

This was a fun addition to the zombie genre and is sure to please any fan. Some will be put off by the lack of meat to the story, but how many of these types of films do you really watch in hope of a great story as opposed to some great zombie action? Of course not, just sit down and get ready for a non-stop action gore fest that will surely satisfy the zombie fanatics everywhere.
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