Grief stricken man finds his will to live once again
10 February 2013
This poignant film about a grief stricken man who has lost the love of his life is both sad and humorous at the same time. Life has dealt Mark a lousy blow, and he now looks like a lost and hollowed out shell of a man. He moves through his daily life with almost no energy or even feeling when an unusual thing happens. He encounters a hidden treasure in a convenience store men's room. The attendant explains the game of geo caching, and especially why he participates - so that he can essentially be remembered. Subtly, you see the change come over Mark who decides to hide something of himself and his lost wife's. This act shows the turning point in Mark's life as he rediscovers his will to live in the act of burying his treasures.

I showed the film to a couple,both of whom had lost spouses when young. The husband remarked that his life was very similar to Mark's - he felt lost and only going through the motions of daily living. The wife commented that she had the same aversion to food that Mark did - barely eating enough to keep going. Both were deeply touched by this short but meaningful film.

Buried Treasure is film storytelling at it's very best. Every aspect of this film, from the script to the acting to the production elements and music, is quality.
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