Review of Bloodline

Fringe: Bloodline (2011)
Season 3, Episode 18
Henry Higgins, meet Fauxlivia Dunham
12 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers

Olivia is meeting with her gorgeous Obstetrician, Romeo Must Die's Françoise Yip. Olivia must be tested for the same disease that killed Rachel and the unborn Ella in the Red 'Verse. This could not have been done before Fauxlivia was with child, it had to be done now. But Fauxlivia is positive she is a carrier of the same disease.

This gives Fauxlivia's Mom, Ed Harris spouse Amy Madigan a lot to worry about. Also worried is Fauxlivia's Boss Agent Lee - Fauxlivia was sure someone was watching her, Lee sends over a protective detail - But they arrive too late to prevent Fauxlivia being taken by Unknown Thugs - Thugs who just happen to know about the tracking implant in Fauxlivia, they take it out.

Meanwhile Doctor Oporto finds out that indeed, Olivia is a carrier for the disease - And was frantically trying to get in touch with Fauxlivia. Fauxlivia's Mom is also frantic.

Fauxlivia finds herself in a Lab, she is being made to swallow dope, and men in masks and white coats start running machines on her belly. All Fauxlivia can think of is Escape, and tries to cut her bonds with a scalpel - But she starts having contractions, and her belly starts getting larger.

Fringe Division finds out that Henry Higgins has been following Fauxlivia, when Francis and Lee confront him, he says he would not "expect her to come back here" - Revealing Knowledge of The Other Side. So they drag him off and impound his taxi. They both agree, he knows way to many details to be making anything up, and at this point, they start questioning what Walternate has been doing.

Meanwhile Fauxlivia gains access to her Scalpel and uses it on the nurse that was treating her, escaping into Chinatown. She makes her way to a phone booth and calls Lee.

Lee was just about ready to let Henry go, when Fauxlivia calls - Henry knows a "shortcut" - All the shortcuts, into Chinatown, and he gets Lee to Fauxlivia fast.

But by the time they get there, Fauxlivia's water breaks - She's HAVING this child, disease or not. Henry re-introduces himself to Fauxlivia and gets her permission to help her have the Baby.

And so is born Henry Bishop - Named after Henry Higgins. Lee expected Fauxlivia to die, but she lives, and so does Henry. This is the last time we see Henry Arliss Higgins in Fringe.

But this is just a Red Verse forgotten tale - Known only to September and the other 11 Observer Disciples.

In Fauxlivia's Hospital room, blood is taken from Henry's foot - And given to Brandonate, who gives it to Walternate. As this transpires, September watches and says "It is happening now" into his Observerphone.

And now, Lee and Francis muse among themselves, that if Walternate kept Fauxlivia's trip to the Blue Verse secret, what else is he keeping from the head of Fringe Division? But now, we have a name for Peter and our Olivia's daughter.
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