Christian culture and how to live as a male human being
20 March 2013
Yes, I'm comparing, too. And I felt more than a little bliss while watching this movie. Most at about 22 min - while listening to Elzbieta Towarnicka's voice.

It reminded me of Tarkowski. And it went further - no wonder, more than a generation later.

I have great expectations on art. I feel conversant with the chosen music, the chosen images of what telescopes captured from the space, it feels the same as in the caves of Lascaux. It entertains me in the right way - no distractions, the right way to compound something to show with awareness of what time I need to understand. Malick's showing simply fits to me.

He shows some people - and begins the "storytelling" half an hour later. No wedding nor war or "love scenes", simply some smile and tenderness. Very free and easy :-)

As already seen in "The New World" Mr. Malick shows in "The Tree Of Life", how thoughts and acting are connected. Somewhere I read, that an adult human being has more than 30.000 thoughts every day. Neither it's possible to be aware of them all nor to communicate them with spoken or written language. So if I want to get in contact I have to chose carefully. And I have to learn how to chose. This is one point where Malick went light years further from Tarkowski.

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." Who ever the creator is or was - Turn off the sound and watch...
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